Par: Mladenka Perroton
Date: 05. 02. 2017 - 11:21

Do not forget to feed your inner child. He will boycott you and undermine all your efforts because he feels terribly neglected. And he's right !

Plan the time for your "inner child"

Dear Me (my Grand-Self),

There are days which bring no joy. I feel I have to be responsible all the time and for many things at once. The weekend is far and the obligations many!


Dear me (my small-self),

Do not forget to feed your inner child. He will boycott you and undermine all your efforts because he feels terribly neglected. And he's right !

Life is a balance between joyous and light things and those that are less so. It is yin and yang.

Give the space needed to express your inner child - every day.

Plan the moments of fun, or nap or some activities your inner child needs.

In your schedule of the day make clearly designated at least one moment for its expression: creativity, reading, dancing, music, chat with buddies / girlfriends - every day.

It often takes him a quarter of an hour, or half an hour. Sometimes even 5 minutes!

Just sit quietly and read your magazine, when you come home from work, the cup of tea in hand. Or jiggle to the sound of a rock or hip-hop !

And this - BEFORE you start preparing dinner. Or after. Up to you to see. Do not wait to go to your jogging which is planned in a few days!

Thus you will calm his urge to sabotage the adult part of you.

Do not forget that your inner child is the most creative part of you. I

t is because of his existence that life has a wonderful taste. He wants to know what he will have to rejoice, what to marvel!

He wants to be seen, recognized!

If your inner child knows that his space will be respected, every day he will leave you in peace. You will be able to concentrate considerably more, on the other tasks, where you have to manage, to insure. You will do them in full consciousness.

And faster than you think. They will no longer look painful, for there is a reward. It is planned. Insured.

You will cease to be torn between "two things". To each one will be given a space.

And this will greatly improve the quality of your life.